How to apply
Who coordinates the SMiLE Programme?
There are 4 main coordinators:
Dr. John Style (SMiLE Academic coordinator for the University, URV)
Carme Tinoco (Foreign Languages Coordinator of the Department of Education in Tarragona)
Rosa Maria Codines (Inspector of the Department of Education in Tarragona)
Susana de Llobet (Technical Officer of the SMILE programme at the international center, URV)
2. Can I apply for the SMiLE programme if I'm not enrolled at the URV?
Yes, you can. The SMiLE Programme is both for incoming international students and Erasmus+ internships. The SMiLE Programme gives you the possibility to do 40 hours face-to-face conversation classes in one of the primary or secondary schools and vocational schools. You do not get paid for these classes but you do receive a certificate from the school and also 6 ECTS credits that your home university might be able to recognise (please, check with your home coordinator). It is also possible to join the programme for two semesters and then you would obtain 12 ECTS.
3. How do I set up the Interview & Meeting?
You can e-mail john.style@urv.cat. We will be asking you to attend a Meeting/Interview on-line. Before the interview you should fill in the Questionnaire-Application Form and send it to us by e-mail. You should read the SMiLE web carefully. It will give you all the necessary information about the programme and the nature of the conversation classes.
4. Where are the schools situated?
URV international students will be assigned to schools in Tarragona which are situated within walking distance of the University Campus (either "Campus Catalunya" or near the Reus Campuses depending on each case).
Students who enrol the SMiLE programme as trainees (i.e. Erasmus+ Internships) might be assigned to schools in other city areas. This is due to the fact that their schedule will, in most cases, not overlap with university classes.
Some schools are situated far from the two main cities. In the case of these schools, students will be teaching online. This type of sub-programme is referred to as the SMiLE 2.0. The students must specify in the initial questionnaire whether they prefer face-to-face teaching, on-line teaching or either.
5. Will the SMiLE students be required to speak Catalan or Spanish?
No, it's not necessary.
6. What will a normal SMiLE class be like?
Before you actually start classes, you will meet your School Tutor and you will attend a a 5-hour introductory training course. On your first day at school, your school tutor will ask you to be present in one of his/her language classes for the first day. You will simply sit there, listen and get an idea of what the pupils are like. The tutor will then guide you, give you material, show you the school facilities, introduce you to the teachers and may be with you while you are giving the pupils conversation classes. The student body in primary and secondary schools in Tarragona is highly multicultural.
7. What topics would be appropriate for the SMiLE conversation classes?
​Your tutor will give you ideas but you should also show your own iniative in choosing topics that the pupils will be interested in, such as: culture, your native country, contemporary music, films, art, food, games, sports, film stars, science, science fiction, and so on. More ideas available on the WEB for SMiLE (Activities).
8. When will SMiLE candidates know if they have been accepted for the programme?
You will be interviewed by me interviewed and the Schools Coordinator Ms. Carmen Tinoco, in order to see if you are right for the programme. The ideal candidate should be very proficient in one of the three SMiLE languages (English/German/French with level C1). They should be able to motivate pupils to talk in class and be ready to help them in the learning and understanding of the language. If you are too shy, this programme might not be the right place for you but if you like meeting new people and are outgoing and a little bit of an extrovert, then I'm sure you will enjoy SMiLE. If you look at the SMiLEts web space you will be able to see comments from SMiLE candidates from past years. A few days after the meeting, you will know whether you have been accepted on the programme.
9. When will the Programme begin?
In the middle of September, students will need to complete a brief training course that will prepare them for their internship. The students will ideally start their work at school at the beginning of October and finish before Christmas. These dates need to be arranged with the programme coordinators and the school. You will have to complete 40 face-to-face hours during the corresponding semester (including the training course before entering the school). On a normal schedule, students will deliver 5 hours of teaching per week. The SMiLE programme can run from September to May. Those who are interested in coming for the Spring term should start their work placement at the end of January and finish towards the end of May. It is also possible to come for two terms. Unfortunately, we can not accept SMiLE students during the summer months since all the schools are closed.
10. What should you do once you know you have been accepted?
You should tell your Mobility coordinator at your HOME university and also your URV mobility coordinator that you wish to join the Programme. You will be given 6 ECTS credits (or 12 if you are staying for a full academic year) so your HOME university coordinator will have to guarantee that these ECTS credits will be recognised.
11. If you are an international student, what should you write on your Learning Agreement?
SMiLE is officially recognised by the URV (this university). The title of the module and code number should be as follow:
ESTUDIS EN EL MARC DE CONVENIS DE MOBILITAT I (Code: 12274213): for Semester One students ONLY
ESTUDIS EN EL MARC DE CONVENIS DE MOBILITAT II (Code 12274226): for Semester Two students ONLY
We hope the above will help you in your decision. Also, there are more possibilities for SMiLE in ENGLISH than in GERMAN or in FRENCH. This is because the demand for English is higher.
We hope you will enjoy your stay with us in Tarragona!