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Marble Surface

The SMiLe programme is supported by the Rovira and Virgili University and the Catalan Department of Education.  Below you will find the members of both institutions who work jointly in organising this programme. 


John Style

Universitat Rovira i Virgili Academic coordinator


Carme Tinoco
Education Department Coordinator


Susana de Llobet
Technical Officer of the SMILE programme at the international center of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili



Marble Surface
  • Inspector Rosa Maria Codines (Catalan Education Department)
  • Salvador Pérez (Catalan Education Department)
  • Jean-Marc Segarra (Catalan Education Department)
  • Lídia Gallego-Balsà (URV, Maintenance of the SMiLE website)
more team members 

Dr. John Style (Mobility coordinator, Department of English and German Studies, URV)


Carme Tinoco (Foreign Languages Coordinator, Department of Education, Territorial Services of Tarragona) 


URV Campus Catalunya

Avda. Catalunya 35

43002, Tarragona​​

© 2023 Smile Programme and URV

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